Samples of Sorghum

As you can see the sorghum is not in any distinctive swirling pattern.

It has just fallen over due to wind, rain and weight. Color

Crop Sample 1 Sorghum
From inside one of the field falls

As you can see the base of the stem is quite narrow and weak and the root systems in areas was only buried in 2 to 3 cm of soil . This again is another contributing factor as to why the crop fell over. What also can be noted is the different colour variation's in the crop which points to different levels of nutrients in the soil. This was one of reasons Kel Gowen was growing this crop, too place nutrients back into the soil after months of Zucchini growing.

Crop Sample 2 Sorghum

From inside another of the field falls

As you can see the nod of the plant bends to an angle at the base some at 35 degrees. Again this is another contributing factor as to why the plant stem became weak at the base and fell over in wet weather and in light to moderate wind conditions.

Conclusion page 3: Soil Samples
Another Sample of Sorghum

This sample shows the stork bending and being affected again by nod deformity some taller ones were bent 40 centimetres up the stork . Again another weakening factor contributing to the crop fall