Parts of Australia's wheatbelts are in the middle of nowhere


UFO Witness
"I saw a flying Saucer"
A big thank must go to Interviewers: Denise Blazek and Karen Ong of WA for this information.

If you would like a copy of the transcript of interview please email Denise Blazek

Ron is an old gentleman who worked on his farm until 19XX when he moved to Perth.

Ron recounts that whilst living on his property in the Western Australian wheat belt one afternoon in 1954 that he, his mother, and a co-worker all witnessed an unidentified object which had positioned itself close to the group and hovered and manoeuvred slowly over a paddock, and then took off at extreme speed into the sky.

Leonie Rons wife can recount that in 1979, she, a friend and their two children saw an unidentified flying object along the coast of suburban Perth, which subsequently paced them.

Ron and Leonie also share anecdotal accounts of eye witnesses who have experienced numerous other unidentified objects over the timeframe from 1954 until the appearance of crop circles three years ago within the wheat-belt area.

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